Practical Nursing Certificate
Melissa Harvey, EdD, RN, CNE, Assistant Dean, Nursing Services
Phone: (419) 995-8347
Office: TL 102J
Hazel Homes, DNP, RN, Program Coordinator
Phone: (419) 995-8816
Office: CK 230G
This one-year certificate program prepares the graduate to provide direct basic nursing care as a practical nurse under the supervision of a registered nurse, licensed physician, dentist, optometrist, or podiatrist.
The curriculum integrates classroom, campus laboratory, and clinical instruction for skills that the practical nurse performs to contribute to the nursing care of patients. Supervised clinical experiences are scheduled in a variety of healthcare settings. The student must demonstrate technical knowledge, manual dexterity, interpersonal skills, caring behavior, and commitment to professional ethics.
The program is approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN), 17 S. High St., Suite 660, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 466-3947; The graduate is eligible to take the national licensing exam for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). Graduates are then encouraged to continue their education through articulation into the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Applicants must be 18 years of age or older prior to entering the first practical nursing clinical course. Some students may choose to extend their course of study beyond the usual one-year plan due to academic deficiencies, employment commitments, or personal choice. If a student extends their course of study beyond the one-year time frame, the student is responsible to notify the Nursing office. The student is expected to complete the practical nursing clinical coursework within two years of beginning the first semester of the Practical Nursing Program.
To be eligible for a Practical Nurse Certificate, a student must have received a grade of “C” or better in all required coursework.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion, the student will be able to:
- Integrate knowledge from the physical, psychosocial and nursing sciences to implement basic nursing care for individuals across the life-span.
- Apply principles of caring behavior with patients, patient’s families, members of the health care team, and peers.
- Integrate concepts of health maintenance and promotion activities as individualized for patients by members of the health care team as identified in the plan of care.
- Contribute to the nursing process when caring for patients experiencing common health problems.
- Perform basic nursing care skills safely by adhering to scientific principles in accordance with evidence-based practice.
- Demonstrate accountability for managing the basic nursing care for a group of patients as a member of the health care team.
- Adhere to the legal and ethical standards of practical nursing.
Admission or Reentry for Advanced Clinical Placement in Practical Nursing
Students who seek acceptance into the Practical Nursing program must meet all admission requirements. Students who have withdrawn in good standing from the practical nursing clinical course sequence may request readmission within one year as space is available. Remedial study may be required. Requests for readmission will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Transfer students with college credit for potentially equivalent courses should submit course syllabi and materials for equivalency evaluation. Advanced placement may be granted if courses are equivalent and were completed within the accepted time frame.
Students in the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program who seek a major change to the Practical Nursing (PN) program will be considered before transfer students. Advanced standing into the PN program may be awarded to Rhodes State College ADN students that have successfully completed at least the first nursing clinical course of the ADN academic plan. ADN students must successfully complete the PN program curriculum and any associated coursework to receive a certificate of completion. Students may then elect to re-enter the ADN program through the LPN to ADN Transition Program. All qualifications must be met.
Pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code 4723 and rule 4723-5-12 of the Ohio Administrative Code, students who reenter or are readmitted to an Ohio school of nursing must “meet the curriculum requirements effective at the time of readmission.”
Science and applied general/basic education courses will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine equivalency.
To be eligible for a Practical Nurse Certificate, a student must have received a grade of “C” or better in all required coursework.
Technical Standards
See here for details.
For More Information, Contact:
Admissions Office
Rhodes State College
4240 Campus Drive
Lima, OH 45804
(419) 995-8320