Agronomy Certificate

James Uphaus, PhD, Chair
Phone: (419) 995-8207
Office: JJC 179M

The Agronomy certificate provides students with the skills in agronomy to support a career in this ever-changing field. Most local career opportunities in agriculture require agronomic knowledge and the ability to earn the Certified Crop Advisor certificate. The Agronomy certificate includes courses in soils, crop management, nutrient management, and integrated pest management. The soils class discusses soil properties and formation from glaciation including drainage. Crop management evaluates cropping systems and environmental interactions affecting yield. Nutrient management assesses plant nutrient needs with the 4R program, tri-state guidelines, and best management practices and nutrient retention. Integrated pest management provides an understanding of economic and environmental aspects of controlling field pests. The courses utilize team learning and individual internships to integrate local and global information. Problem solving exercises and contemporary computer software are integrated into the courses based on input from local agricultural business.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, the student will be able to:

  1. Discuss physical and chemical weathering properties that contributed to Ohio soil development including soil and water conservation practices to improve agronomic crop production.
  2. Plan crop decisions using developmental growth stages, yield expectations, conservation practices and cultural practices for an Ohio farm.
  3. Develop a nutrient management plan utilizing soil test data, recommended agronomic crop needs, economic principles and input availability.
  4. Identify common weed, disease and insect pests of Ohio Agronomic crops including integrated pest management principles to develop economic control plans in preparation for obtaining the commercial applicators license.

Technical Standards
See here for details.