Education (EDU)
EDU 1000 — Introduction to Education
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Introduces the profession of teaching in today's society. More than ever before, teaching is a complex and challenging profession which requires the candidates to develop and use their skills and abilities and to foster a disposition and character of reflections. Candidates will utilize readings, explore themes, participate in field experiences and produce carefully considered reflections in order to broadly explore the purposes of schools in society and what knowledge, dispositions, and performances are required to be an effective teacher today.
Transfer: TAG.
EDU 1040 — Phonics-Foundation of Literacy
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Introduces students to the reading process, including the nature and acquisition of language, current and historical perspectives about reading instruction, the interrelationship among the language arts, and the relation of prior knowledge, meaning, and context to the reading process. Included are the importance of reading aloud; the relationship of the phonemic, morphemic, semantic, and syntactic systems of language to the reading process; techniques to create literate environments and support emergent literacy; phonetic principles; oral and written grammar; and dialects and language patterns. Field hours in an early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescent/young adult classroom will be needed for assignment completion.
EDU 1050 — Introductory Child Development
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 1.00
Covers human development that embraces academic theory, scientific discoveries, and practical applications. The course presents developmental processes from conception through adolescence in three distinct categories or domains- biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial. Content will examine how the interplay of nature and nurture affects development across the life span, including developmental variations of typical and atypical developing children. The course will investigate appropriate expectations of the physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth and development of the child and adolescent. Fifteen (15) field hours required in early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescent/young adult classroom.
Transfer: TAG.
EDU 1080 — Classroom Management and Guidance
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Presents classroom management techniques teachers can employ to develop self-control, positive self-concepts, independence and pro-social behaviors in students. Introduction of practical applications of guidance and motivation techniques: problem-solving, prevention of potential problems for group settings, negotiation skills, setting limits, arrangement of the environment, positive affirmations and logical consequences. Guidance and motivation are presented within a framework of child development, developmentally appropriate practices, and constructivist educational philosophy.
EDU 1114 — Integrated Curriculum in Early Childhood Education
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.50 Lecture Hours: 2.00 Lab Hours: 2.50
Focuses on the development of the young child and promotes developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood environments and curriculum. The aim of the classroom is to help children acquire the skills and behaviors that will promote their optimal growth. Candidates will learn to navigate between state standards and assessments and developmentally appropriate principles and practices. Constructive approach is emphasized as candidates study topics placed appropriately within curriculum content curriculum areas, such as math, science, music, movement, and creative art experiences.
EDU 1300 — Curriculum, Observation, and Assessment
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 1.00
Provides design and delivery techniques for children birth to eight years of age. Curriculum development, lesson planning and instructional methods based on NAEYC guidelines. Emphasis is placed on learning environments representing the philosophies of Piaget, Vygotsky, Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Gardner and others. Skill development in the areas of observation, evaluation and assessment of young children and adolescents. Emphasis is placed on developmentally appropriate practice, project-approach, and integrated instruction for the ECE and primary classroom. Fifteen (15) field hours required in a preschool or early childhood classroom.
EDU 2000 — Psychology of Childhood
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Covers the developmental, adjustment and psychological problems of the child from birth through adolescence. The relationship of scientific psychological findings to practical methods of guidance and training of children by parents and teachers will be emphasized.
EDU 2010 — Emergent Literacy-Learning
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 1.00
Provides information about developmental patterns in early language and literacy learning and research-based ways of teaching reading and writing during the early years (birth through 8 years). Research proves that language and speech are learned through meaningful experiences, not in isolated skill and drill activities. Research shows that language and literacy begins at birth. All children need a print rich language and literacy environment at home, in child care settings, and at school; a wide variety of experience in order to develop the concepts and vocabulary they will need in order to understand what they read; see adults read and write and try to write for themselves in order to understand that print is a way to share information; and to have good books available and enjoy being read to. Topics include basic strategies of teaching reading and writing, literacy to play environments, utilizing technology, collaborative home-school partnerships, cultural and developmental differences (diversity), assessment as an ongoing and indispensable part of reflective teaching and learning, and moral and ethical dimensions of teaching reading in early childhood. Students will explore instructional materials and assessments used in early childhood reading programs and their relationship to the Ohio P-12 Language Arts Standards (content standards). Fifteen (15) hours of field work in a preschool and early childhood classroom.
EDU 2020 — Literature for Children and Adolescents
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Studies literature for children and adolescents, age birth through the primary grades. Curriculum includes criteria for selection and evaluation of literature, different types of literature (genre), literature's portrayal of diversity, outstanding authors and illustrators, the integration of literature into all areas of the curriculum, the techniques of reading and storytelling to promote literary appreciation.
EDU 2030 — Individuals with Exceptionalities
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.50 Lecture Hours: 2.00 Clinical/Other Hours: 2.50
Provides students with an overview of special education programs with an opportunity to plan and implement activities in educational settings. Topics include: early intervention, practical strategies to integrate children with special needs, legislation and public policy (with a historical perspective of ADA, IDEA, 504 plans etc. and an awareness of the legal rights of children with exceptional learning needs and their families), recognizing risk factors that may impede typical development with an emphasis on the awareness of and respect for the ability differences in students and their families and the effects of those factors on development and learning community agencies/resources and adaptations to the environment.
Transfer: TAG
Prerequisites: EDU 1000, EDU 1050.
EDU 2040 — Administration and Health Management
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Provides an overview of major administrative principles, legislative mandates, policies and procedures, physical facilities, purchasing, budgeting, recordkeeping, and professional public relations. Includes legal requirements and responsibilities of Ohio licensing procedures. Staff development, support, and management including conflict resolution. Course will also examine the components that contribute to the concept of wellness in children, including a process of moving toward optimal health and vitality. Components within the course include the completion of first-aid training, CPR, child abuse awareness and reporting identification and treatment of communicable diseases for preschools and public school settings. These trainings are an additional cost to the student. Students may produce proof of previous training to be excused from this component of the course.
EDU 2130 — Families, Communities and Schools
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Addresses the significant steps for improving children's education in schools by direct collaboration with families and communities. Curriculum surrounds children and much of their learning comes from the world outside the classroom. Students recognize that all citizens are educators and ideas are presented for developing effective partnerships between schools, families, and communities at large. Instruction introduces education majors to an environment that values diversity and portrays it positively. The course will focus on the belief that educators can deliver an equitable education for all students. Educators have the responsibility to help students contribute to and benefit from our democratic society. The curriculum will introduce the concept that effective instructional strategies should be drawn primarily from the cultures of students in the classroom and the community, not the teacher. This is a portfolio designated course which requires a writing sample submission to the electronic portfolio database. Satisfying this requires is a part of earning a grade for this course. Submitting the paper as instructed will ensure a grade commensurate with the work in the course.
Transfer: TAG.
EDU 2200 — Special Topics in Education
Credit Hours: 0.00 Total Contact Hours: 0.00
Provides an in-depth study of a current topic with special emphasis on changing needs in Early Childhood Education.
EDU 2210 — Infant and Toddler Environments
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 1.00
Provides a comprehensive framework for planning and implementing a developmentally appropriate program for the care of infants and toddlers. Course includes current brain research in the field of infant and toddler years of development. An overview of best practices for infant and toddler care will be presented as well as curriculum to stimulate growth and learning. Licensing procedures and regulations will be presented for the supervision of this age child. Fifteen (15) field hours required in infant/toddler settings.
EDU 2991 — Practicum
Credit Hours: 2.00 Total Contact Hours: 14.00 Clinical/Other Hours: 14.00
Enables students to demonstrate their proficiency by integrating technical knowledge with core skills and abilities. This capstone builds upon the experiences from previous course work. Students will demonstrate growth in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning. Students will develop and implement an integrated curriculum that supports children's interest, needs, and intellectual integrity with curriculum outcomes. The student becomes responsible for classroom activities, teaching, and demonstrating positive guidance strategies, effective communications and collaborations. This practicum will take place in an approved educational setting of early childhood centers or classrooms, including the campus and YMCA child care centers within the last two semesters of the program. This course is a minimum of fourteen (14) hours per week (for a total of 210 hours during the semester) working under the supervision of a specifically trained teacher/mentor and college supervisor. A lab fee is assessed for this course. The course will include an e-portfolio self- growth/awareness writing assignment, and an exit evaluation of critical thinking and writing.
EDU 2992 — Practicum Seminar
Credit Hours: 2.00 Total Contact Hours: 2.00 Lecture Hours: 2.00
Allows students to discuss practicum experiences of their individual school settings and serves as an opportunity for the acquisition of further knowledge. The seminar will focus on self-understanding and reflection, necessary observation and assessment skills and required abilities, teaching strategies, curriculum development, and collaboration in group settings with students, peers, supervisors, and families. Offered concurrently with Practicum capstone experience.
Prerequisites: EDU 1050
Corequisites: EDU 2991.