Physical Therapist Assisting (PTA)

PTA 1010 — Fundamentals of PTA Practice

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 5.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Builds the fundamentals of physical therapy practice for the PTA. This course will examine the utilization of appropriate medical terminology, documentation, and an overview of interventions in the clinical setting. Laboratory sessions will focus on application of patient positioning, bed mobility, transfers, selection and fitting of appropriate mobility devices, applied gait patterns and gait training, infection control, and vital signs to specific therapeutic interventions. The acquisition of communicating in an effective and culturally sensitive manner in the clinical setting is also reinforced during laboratory sessions. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: BHS 1150 with a 'C' or better, BIO 1110 with a 'C' or better, COM 1110 with a 'C' or better, MTH 1260 with a 'C' or better
Corequisites: PTA 1200, PTA 1220.

PTA 1200 — Therapeutic Exercise for the PTA

Credit Hours: 4.00   Total Contact Hours: 6.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Covers the basic concepts and principles of therapeutic exercise and foundational techniques. The course includes instruction in the areas of progressive resistive exercise, range of motion, stretching, coordination, balance, relaxation, aquatic therapy, general fitness, posture and core stabilization. A multitude of orthopedic pathologies and appropriate therapeutic exercise programs are covered and adapted for various aged patients. Case studies will be utilized to facilitate implementation of therapeutic exercise progression and to underscore the importance of evidence based practice in the clinical setting. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: BHS 1150 with a 'C' or better, BIO 1110 with a 'C' or better, COM 1110 with a 'C' or better, MTH 1260 with a 'C' or better
Corequisites: PTA 1010, PTA 1220.

PTA 1220 — Clinical Kinesiology for the PTA

Credit Hours: 4.00   Total Contact Hours: 6.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Involves the application of basic functional anatomy to an in-depth analysis of human motion. The biomechanics of each joint will be discussed along with common orthopedic joint dysfunctions, compensatory strategies, special tests, and surgical procedures. Students will also examine the gait cycle and identify possible causes for abnormal gait. Detailed goniometry and manual muscle testing will be the focus of lab content. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: BHS 1150 with a 'C' or better, BIO 1110 with a 'C' or better, COM 1110 with a 'C' or better, MTH 1260 with a 'C' or better
Corequisites: PTA 1010, PTA 1200.

PTA 1400 — Physical Agents for the PTA

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 5.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Provides a comprehensive overview of physical agents/therapeutic modalities utilized in physical therapy practice. Analyze the theory and physiological effects of various thermal, mechanical, and electromagnetic agents as well as the indications, contraindications, precautions, advantages, and disadvantages of each to promote evidence informed, clinical decision making for application into patient care. Laboratory activities seek to achieve competency in the application of the above treatment interventions to ensure effective outcomes and patient safety. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Summer
Prerequisites: BIO 1120, PTA 1010, PTA 1200, PTA 1220
Corequisites: PTA 1500.

PTA 1500 — Professional Topics in PTA

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 1.00   Lecture Hour: 1.00  

Explores contemporary practice strategies and emerging trends within the field of physical therapy, aligned with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) standards. Topics will include: ethics and professionalism, professional development and lifelong learning, leadership skills, legislative and political advocacy, interprofessional collaborative care, performance improvement/quality assurance, health promotion and wellness, healthcare disparities, cultural sensitivity, inclusive and equitable care, and practice management. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Summer
Prerequisites: BIO 1120, PTA 1010, PTA 1200, PTA 1220
Corequisites: PTA 1400.

PTA 2010 — PTA Seminar I

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 1.00   Lecture Hour: 1.00  

Prepares students for the requirements and expectations of the first clinical experience, including an orientation to the Clinical Performance Instrument utilized to assess student performance in the clinic. Students will complete a "Clinical Education Passport" to validate exposure to a variety of patients and interventions and to document completion of supplemental learning activities. A cumulative written examination is given to assess mastery of first year content. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Fall
Prerequisites: PTA 1400, PTA 1500
Corequisite: PTA 2020, PTA 2100, PTA 2120.

PTA 2020 — Clinical Application I

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 10.00   Clinical/Other Hours: 10.00  

Provides a supervised learning experience in an outpatient or inpatient setting. The student will complete a minimum of 150 hours of clinical experience with emphasis placed on treatment interventions and data collection skills learned in the first year of the didactic program. Students are expected to maintain 50% of a full time physical therapist assistant's patient care workload with direction and supervision from the physical therapist. This course is graded S/U.
Offered: Fall
Prerequisites: BHS 1150, BIO 1110, BIO 1120, PTA 1010, PTA 1200, PTA 1220, PTA 1400, PTA 1500
Corequisites: PTA 2010, PTA 2100, PTA 2120.

PTA 2100 — Physical Therapy for the Medically Complex Patient

Credit Hours: 4.00   Total Contact Hours: 6.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Introduces students to a variety of topics and areas of treatment including but not limited to cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, women's health, diabetes, geriatrics, amputations, prosthetics, orthotics, and burn/wound care management. Laboratory activities seek to promote clinical decision making and student competency in the application of postural drainage techniques, residual limb wrapping, and sterile wound care management as related to infection control procedures. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Fall
Prerequisites: PTA 1400, PTA 1500
Corequisites: PTA 2010, PTA 2020, PTA 2120.

PTA 2120 — Functional Neurorehabilitation

Credit Hours: 4.00   Total Contact Hours: 6.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Links the structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems to the functional aspects of human movement. Lecture content will focus on the anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, its arterial supply, and the influences of neurological pathways on muscle tone, sensation, reflexes, coordination, and balance. Continued course content involves the application of the above knowledge to the treatment of patients with selected neurological deficits resultant from CVA, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and birth. Laboratory activities will focus on instruction and competency of commonly utilized techniques by the PTA such PNF and NDT, facilitation/inhibition, and developmental sequence and pediatric intervention. Clinical case studies will also be utilized throughout the semester to facilitate critical thinking in the selection and implementation of appropriate therapeutic interventions learned throughout the course. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Fall
Prerequisites: PTA 1400, PTA 1500
Corequisites: PTA 2010, PTA 2020, PTA 2100.

PTA 2200 — Clinical Application II

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 15.00   Clinical/Other Hours: 15.00  

Provides a supervised learning experience in an outpatient or inpatient setting. The student will complete a minimum of 225 hours of directed practice with emphasis placed on refinement of skills taught in the PTA curriculum. Students are expected to maintain 75% of a full time physical therapist assistant's patient care workload with the direction and supervision from the physical therapist. This course is graded S/U.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: PTA 2010, PTA 2020, PTA 2100, PTA 2120
Corequisites: PTA 2201, PTA 2250.

PTA 2201 — Clinical Application III

Credit Hours: 4.00   Total Contact Hours: 20.00   Clinical/Other Hours: 20.00  

Provides a terminal full-time learning experience in which the student must complete 300 clinical hours in an outpatient or inpatient setting. Students are expected to achieve entry-level performance and maintain 100% of a full-time, entry-level physical therapist assistant's patient caseload in a cost-effective manner with direction and supervision from the physical therapist by the end of this clinical experience. This course is graded S/U.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: PTA 2010, PTA 2020, PTA 2100, PTA 2120
Corequisites: PTA 2200, PTA 2250.

PTA 2240 — PTA Seminar II

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 1.00   Lecture Hour: 1.00  

Accompanies the terminal clinical rotations of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Students will complete a "Clinical Education Passport" to validate exposure to a variety of patients and interventions and to document completion of supplemental learning activities. The seminar also prepares the student for transition to entry level practice with an in depth focus on the laws and rules governing physical therapy practice in the state of Ohio, resume development, participation in mock interviews, and application for the physical therapist assistant licensure examination. "C" grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: PTA 2100, PTA 2120
Corequisites: PTA 2200, PTA-2220, PTA-2230.

PTA 2250 — Capstone Course for the PTA  

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 2.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00  

Accompanies the terminal clinical rotations of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program and prepares the student clinician to transition into the healthcare workforce as a licensed physical therapist assistant. Students will complete a "Clinical Education Passport" to validate exposure to a variety of patients and interventions and to document completion of supplemental learning activities. The capstone experience in PTA allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in technical knowledge with integration of the Rhodes State College Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs). This is accomplished through student participation in the Health Science Division's Cultural and Diversity Awareness Retreat where students will work as interdisciplinary teams to address a complex patient diagnosis. Students will also actively prepare for the national Physical Therapist Assistant Licensure Examination with in depth focus on the laws and rules governing physical therapy practice in the state of Ohio and through biweekly review modules to identify personal strengths and weaknesses. Other elements of the course include resume development, participation in mock interviews, and application for the physical therapist assistant licensure examination. 'C' grade policy applies.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: PTA 2010, PTA 2020, PTA 2100, PTA 2120
Corequisites: PTA 2200, PTA 2201.