Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
EMS 1040 — EMS Anatomy and Physiology
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00
Demonstrates knowledge in basic human anatomy and physiology. Designed for students wishing to complete the Paramedic certification.
EMS 1120 — Advanced EMT
Credit Hours: 8.00 Total Contact Hours: 16.00 Lecture Hours: 6.00 Lab Hours: 2.00 Clinical/Other Hours: 8.00
Demonstrates both the cognitive and psychomotor skills required to challenge the NREMT Advanced EMT certification exam. This course meets the state required cognitive and didactic components of the Emergency Medical Technician Advanced curriculum as outlined and approved by the Emergency Medical Services Board in March of 2002. Topics to be covered include the assessment and management of medical and trauma emergencies. Advanced skills such as manual defibrillation, intravenous cannulation, and use of pharmacological agents for pain, respiratory emergencies and diabetic emergencies will be covered. Changes in State and Federal law and regulations may necessitate changes in this course. Students enrolling in this course must be certified as an EMT-Basic in the state of Ohio.
Prerequisites: Current Ohio EMT certification, Completion of EMS admission packet and all paperwork.
EMS 1150 — Volunteer Firefighter
Credit Hours: 2.00 Total Contact Hours: 2.67 Lecture Hours: 1.33 Lab Hours: 1.34
Demonstrates both the cognitive and psychomotor skills required to function as a volunteer firefighter. The basic training class is required by the state of Ohio for all new volunteer firefighters. Topics will include safety, fire behavior, personal protective equipment and much more. Participants are instructed that they cannot perform the duties of a firefighter or participate in live burn evaluations prior to obtaining state certification. Special Notes: All students are required to attend all scheduled classes, pass both a written and practical examination to successfully complete this course. To become certified, students must also pass the Division of EMS Volunteer Fire Exam. This course is offered at Apollo Career Center (Ohio Fire Charter Number 102) through articulated or dual enrollment at Rhodes State College, students must meet admission requirements set forth by Apollo Career Center and the state of Ohio, which include a felony/misdemeanor waiver statement. Students must be at least 18 years old. Interested students should contact the EMS Department Chair for schedule.
EMS 1160 — Level I Transition Firefighter
Credit Hours: 4.00 Total Contact Hours: 6.00 Lecture Hours: 3.20 Lab Hours: 2.80
Expands the cognitive and psychomotor skills learned in EMS 1150 to meet the requirement of the Level I Professional Firefighter. Special Notes. Students are required to attend all scheduled classes and pass both a written and practical examination to successfully complete this course. To become certified, students must also pass the Division of EMS Fire Exam. This course is offered at Apollo Career Center (Ohio Fire Charter Number 102) through articulated or dual enrollment at Rhodes State College. Course schedule is determined by Apollo Career Center. "C' grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: EMS 1150.
EMS 1170 — Level I Firefighter
Credit Hours: 5.00 Total Contact Hours: 8.00 Lecture Hours: 4.00 Lab Hours: 4.00
Meets all the NFPA Level I Fire Fighter course objectives. Topics include Fire Department Organization and Safety, Fire Alarm and Communications, Fire Behavior, Overhaul, Personal Protective Equipment/SCBA, Fire Hose, Appliances and Streams, Foam Fire Systems, Fire Control, Fire Cause and Origin, Rescue, Water Supplies, Fire Detection, Alarm, and Suppression Systems, Fire Prevention, Public Fire Education, and Fire Cause Determination, Building Construction, Forcible Entry, Ventilation and Tools, Ropes, Salvage, Fire Extinguishers, Ground Ladders, Emergency Medical Care, HazMat, ICS, Practical Evolutions, and Live Fire Training. Students are required to attend all scheduled classes and pass both a written and practical examination to successfully complete this course. To become certified, students must also pass the Division of E.M.S. Fire Safety Inspector examination. This course is offered through a cooperative agreement with Apollo Career Center Ohio Fire Charter Number 102.
EMS 1180 — Level II Firefighter
Credit Hours: 5.00 Total Contact Hours: 8.00 Lecture Hours: 4.00 Lab Hours: 4.00
Meets all the NFPA Level II Firefighter course objectives. Upon completion of this level the firefighter is certified as a Professional Firefighter II by the State of Ohio. Special Notes: Students are required to attend all scheduled classes and pass both a written and practical examination to successfully complete this course. To become certified, students must also pass the Division of EMS Fire Exam. This course is offered through a cooperative agreement with Apollo Career Center (Ohio Fire Charter Number 102). "C" grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: EMS 1170 or EMS 1150 and EMS 1160.
EMS 1190 — Fire Safety Inspector
Credit Hours: 3.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.80 Lecture Hours: 2.80 Lab Hours: 2.00
Meets the standards for Fire Safety Inspector prescribed in H.B. 590. The student will gain the fundamental knowledge and skills to conduct fire safety inspections. Students will be introduced to various codes needed to develop a working knowledge of the inspection process. As such, each student should be familiar with the codes and standards in effect within the State of Ohio. Topics include the fire inspector's responsibilities and role in code enforcement, general fire prevention practices, competencies, life safety considerations, fire safety requirements related to HazMat; electrical systems; occupancy and fire protection systems. Course content is designed to meet certification requirements as established by the Ohio Department of Public Safety, and NFPA 1031-Fire Inspector Professional Qualifications. Students are required to attend all scheduled classes and pass both a written and practical examination to successfully complete this course. To become certified, students must also pass the Division of E.M.S. Fire Safety Inspector examination. This course is offered through a cooperative agreement with Apollo Career Center.
EMS 1580 — EMT-Basic
Credit Hours: 7.00 Total Contact Hours: 8.00 Lecture Hours: 6.50 Lab Hours: 1.50
Learn operation of an ambulance, transportation and care of patients, and how to determine the nature and extent of illness or injury. Advanced lifesaving skills, including intubation, automatic external defibrillation. Admission requirements: 18 years of age, current driver's license, high school diploma or GED. Students who successfully complete this course meet the requirements to be eligible to challenge the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, EMT-Basic Exam. Certification in the State of Ohio requires successful completion of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, EMT-Basic Exam.
EMS 1990 — Independent Study in EMS
Credit Hours: 0.00 Total Contact Hours: 0.00
Provides the student the opportunity for in depth work on special topic within the field of Emergency Medical Services which the student was not able to pursue in the desired depth in the regular course offerings. During the first week of the semester the student is required to describe the proposed course of study in writing that he/she wishes to pursue. Such proposal must be submitted to the Department Chairperson for approval and student assignment to an Emergency Medical Services faculty member for oversight of the project. This course of independent study may be substituted for an elective course required for the AAS degree in Emergency Medical Services. This course is graded S/U.
EMS 2210 — Paramedic I
Credit Hours: 13.00 Total Contact Hours: 18.00 Lecture Hours: 8.00 Lab Hours: 10.00
Integrates comprehensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pharmacology into the assessment and management of patients experiencing a medical emergency. Topics include EMS systems pharmacology, airway management, patient assessment, respiratory, obstetrics, gynecological and cardiovascular emergencies. 'C' grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: BHS 1390, BIO 1000 or (BIO 1110 and BIO 1120) or EMS 1040
Corequisites: EMS 2215.
EMS 2215 — Paramedic Clinical
Credit Hours: 2.50 Total Contact Hours: 13.50 Clinical/Other Hours: 13.50
Provides interactions with patients in the hospital setting under the direct supervision of a Licensed Health Care Professional or Physician. Introduction to specific psychomotor and cognitive objectives learned in EMS 2210 will be completed in this course. 'C' grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: BHS 1390, BIO 1000 or (BIO 1110 and BIO 1120) or EMS 1040
Corequisites: EMS 2210.
EMS 2220 — Paramedic II
Credit Hours: 13.00 Total Contact Hours: 18.00 Lecture Hours: 8.00 Lab Hours: 10.00
Integrates comprehensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pharmacology into the assessment and management of patients experiencing an EMS emergency. Topics include Medical Emergencies: Neurologic, EENT, Abdominal/Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Renal, Endocrine, Hematologic, Immunologic, Infectious Diseases, Toxicology, Trauma, Environmental emergencies, and EMS Operations. "C" grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: EMS 2210, EMS 2215.
Corequisites: EMS 2225.
EMS 2225 — Paramedic Field Experience
Credit Hours: 2.50 Total Contact Hours: 13.50 Clinical/Other Hours: 13.50
Provides interactions with patients in the pre-hospital setting under the direct supervision of a certified Paramedic. Students will participate as a team leader beginning the 11th week of the term. Student will demonstrate competency in their ability to manage a patient in the emergent setting. "C" grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: EMS 2210, EMS 2215.
Corequisites: EMS 2220.
EMS 2260 — EMS Capstone
Credit Hour: 1.00 Total Contact Hour: 1.00 Lecture Hour: 1.00
Integrates technical knowledge with core skills and abilities. Students in this course will complete a project that reflects their ability to manage an EMS department. The project will include the development of work schedules, training schedules and grant applications for training and equipment purchase. The course will include an e-portfolio assignment and an exit evaluation of critical thinking and writing.
Prerequisites: COM 1110.
EMS 2310 — Allied Health Professional to Medic
Credit Hours: 5.00 Total Contact Hours: 7.00 Lecture Hours: 4.00 Lab Hours: 3.00
Demonstrates proficiency in the psychomotor and cognitive objectives required by the State of Ohio to challenge the NREMT Paramedic Exam. To qualify for admissions the Licensed/Certified must have a current provider card in Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Education for Pre-Hospital Providers (PEPP), Trauma Nursing Care Course (TNCC), Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS), or Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS); or Pre- Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS); an Ohio Basic EMT Certification and a Basic Health Care CPR card. Students in this course will meet all of Ohio's requirements to challenge the National Registry Exam at the Paramedic level. "C" grade policy applies.
Corequisites: EMS 2320.
EMS 2320 — Allied Health Professional to Medic Clinical
Credit Hours: 2.00 Total Contact Hours: 4.00 Clinical/Other Hours: 4.00
Demonstrates proficiency in the clinical and prehospital setting of the cognitive and psychomotor skills and objectives of EMS 2310. Classes and clinical time spent in preparation to become licensed in the student's field of expertise will be taken into consideration to fulfill the clinical requirements. This course graded S/U.
Corequisites: EMS 2310.