Culinary Arts (CUL)

CUL 1010 — Introduction to Culinary Arts

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 2.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00  

Introduces the Culinary Arts student to fundamental techniques and procedures used in the food service industry. Culinary theory, key terms, commercial equipment, and American Culinary Federation (ACF) and National Restaurant Association (NRA) standards are covered.

CUL 1011 — Food Service Sanitation/Safety

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 3.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 2.00  

Discusses causes and prevention of food-borne illness and food service accidents. Course stresses food service workers' responsibilities in food safety management and protecting public health by knowing and employing proper methods for food handling, equipment and facilities cleaning and sanitation, and performing the Heimlich maneuver and CPR (both taught within this course). A national exam is part of the course. Students must pass the national exam to pass this course.

CUL 1012 — Nutrition and Menu Planning

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 2.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00  

Develops knowledge of preparation of food in accordance with sound nutrition principles and dietary guidelines. The basic fundamentals of nutrition will be studied. Principles and practices of planning, writing and evaluating menus for commercial or institutional food services. Recipe costing and menu pricing are discussed.

CUL 1020 — Food Preparation I

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 4.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00   Lab Hours: 2.00  

Presents a systematic study of the application of culinary techniques and principles of food preparations essential to all laboratory cooking classes. Emphasis is on palatability, variety, digestibility and nutrient retention in food preparation. An introduction to the American Culinary Federation (ACF) and National Restaurant Association (NRA) and their importance in the food preparation/service industry is included.
Prerequisites: CUL 1011.

CUL 1021 — Meats, Fish and Poultry

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 5.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00   Lab Hours: 3.00  

Studies all aspects of meat, fish, and poultry including grading, inspection, storage, butchery, and methods of preparation. Students will learn the different cuts and varieties of meat including red and white meats, fish, and poultry.
Prerequisites: CUL 1020, CUL 1011.

CUL 1022 — Introduction to Baking and Pastry

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 5.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Studies the fundamentals, principles, and application of baking and pastry equipment, ingredients, weights and measures, technology, preparation and storage. Includes the production of pastries, classical desserts, breads and rolls.
Prerequisites: CUL 1011.

CUL 2030 — Food and Beverage Cost Controls

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 2.00   Lecture Hours: 2.00  

Learn about food and beverage product specifications, supplier selection, packaging, and receiving, organization, storage and cost control functions.
Corequisites: ACC 1010.

CUL 2031 — Food Preparation II

Credit Hours: 4.00   Total Contact Hours: 7.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 6.00  

Experiences in food preparation based on the American Culinary Federation (ACF) competencies in the following areas: basic cooking techniques and preparation of soups, sauces, meat, poultry and seafood entrees, fruits and vegetables, starches and garnishes. Sanitation, recipe reviews and analysis, and knowledge of tools and equipment are included.
Prerequisites: CUL 1020, CUL 1011.

CUL 2032 — Garde Manger

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 5.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Studies basic garde-manger (cold-food preparation) principles; functions and duties of the garde-manger department as they relate and integrate with other kitchen operations. Students will learn and demonstrate the skills necessary to prepare and present food and ice carvings, and specialty foods such as terrines, pates, canapes and hors d'oeuvres.
Prerequisites: CUL 1020.

CUL 2033 — Dining Room Service

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 3.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 2.00  

Learn about the stations, jobs, and procedures of dining room service. Special emphasis is placed on dining room salesmanship, table service, guest relations, table setting and personal appearance.

CUL 2040 — Catering Management

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 5.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 4.00  

Covers aspects of planning, preparing and serving catering functions. Students practice skills in laboratory settings by planning, preparing food and serving at special theme functions and buffet events.
Prerequisites: CUL 1020, CUL 2031.

CUL 2041 — Culinary Practicum

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 14.00   Clinical/Other Hour: 14.00  

Requires the student to participate in a work experience integrated with academic instruction. Students apply their skills sets within the culinary field working a minimum of seven clock hours per week. The practicum is coordinated with a Culinary Arts faculty member and an employer and may be paid or unpaid. The faculty member issues the practicum grade.
Prerequisites: Completion of 30 hours in program and approval of Culinary Arts Faculty Member.
Corequisites: CUL 2043.

CUL 2042 — Culinary Arts Capstone

Credit Hours: 2.00   Total Contact Hours: 4.00   Lecture Hours: 1.00   Lab Hours: 3.00  

Prepares culinary students for program completion and final examination by reviewing and practicing the comprehensive set of course content and skills acquired during their culinary studies. Both written and food preparation exams are designed to meet American Culinary Federation (ACF) and National Restaurant Association (NRA) standards.
Prerequisites: CUL 1011, CUL 1012, CUL 1020, CUL 1021, CUL 1022, CUL 2031, CUL 2032, CUL 2033, CUL 2040.

CUL 2043 — Culinary Seminar

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 1.00   Lecture Hour: 1.00  

Brings practicum culinary students together with their instructor to discuss achievements, progress, and/or challenges occurring during practicum work experiences.
Prerequisites: Completion of 30 hours in the program required and approval by Culinary Arts Faculty Member.
Corequisites: CUL 2041.