Basic Business (BUS)

BUS 2100 — Business Law

Credit Hours: 3.00   Total Contact Hours: 3.00   Lecture Hours: 3.00  

Introduces the student to the legal aspects of common business transactions, contract law, tort law, commercial paper, business organizations, agency law, negotiable instruments, secured and unsecured transactions, bankruptcy, personal property and real property law.
Transfer: TAG.

BUS 2991 — Internship (Practicum)

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 7.00   Clinical/Other Hour: 7.00  

Requires the student to participate in an internship work experience in which the student will work for a minimum of 105 hours in a business position related to their field of study. Exact duties will be agreed upon by the Faculty Member/Chair, Work Experience Supervisor and the Student.
Corequisites: BUS 2992.

BUS 2992 — Internship (Seminar)

Credit Hour: 1.00   Total Contact Hour: 1.00   Lecture Hour: 1.00  

Brings internship students together with their instructor to discuss achievements, progress, and challenges occurring during their internship work experiences.
Corequisites: BUS 2991.