Transfer Module

Transfer Module

Ohio Transfer 36 (transfer module) is a subset or complete set of courses that students can complete to satisfy a portion of or all of the general education requirements at Ohio public colleges and universities.  Transfer 36 consists of 36-40 credit hours that represent a common body of knowledge and academic skills.  Students pursuing transfer should complete the required minimum hours:

  • English/Oral Communication (3)
  • Mathematics/Statistics/Logic (3)
  • Arts & Humanities from two different disciplines (6)
  • Social Sciences from two different disciplines (3)
  • Natural Sciences including one lab course (6)

Students who know their interests should consult the Ohio Guaranteed Pathways.

I.  English/Oral Communication (Minimum 3 Semester Hours)

COM 1110English Composition3
Select one of the following from Category II:
COM 1140Technical Writing3
COM 1160Business Communications3
COM 1200Writing in the Sciences3
COM 2400Composition and Literature3
COM 2110Public Speaking3
COM 2213Verbal Judo3

For the AA or AS Degrees, COM 2400 Composition and Literature must be taken.

II.   Mathematics, Statistics or Formal Logic (Minimum 3 Semester Hours)

Select one of the following:
MTH 11903
MTH 1260Statistics3
MTH 1370College Algebra4
MTH 1430Trigonometry3
MTH 1611Business Calculus5
MTH 1711Calculus I5
MTH 1721Calculus II5
MTH 2660Calculus III4
MTH 2670Differential Equations4
MTH 2680Elementary Linear Algebra4

Additional courses may be taken from the Mathematics area to fulfill the additional hours.

III.  Arts/Humanities1 (Minimum 6 Semester Hours)

Select two courses with a minimum of one course from each category below:
Category 1:
LIT 2210Introduction to Literature3
LIT 2215Native American Literature3
LIT 2227Literature of Graphic Novels3
LIT 2250The American Short Story3
LIT 2260Fantasy Literature3
LIT 2301British Literature I3
LIT 2310Literature and the Holocaust3
LIT 2450Themes in Literature and Film3
LIT 2228African-American Literature3
LIT 2241World Literature I3
LIT 2242World Literature II3
MUS 1010Music Appreciation I3
THR 1010Introduction to Theatre3
Category II:
HST 1011Western Civilization I3
HST 1012Western Civilization II3
HST 1610American History to 18773
HST 1620American History Since 18773
HST 2521Women in World History3

Additional courses may be taken from the Arts/Humanities area to fulfill the additional hours.

IV.  Social Science1 ( Minimum 6 Semester Hours)

Select two courses with a minimum of one course from each category below:
Category I:
HST 2510History of Latin America3
POL 1010Introduction to Political Science3
SOC 1010Sociology3
SOC 1200Death and Dying3
SOC 1210Family Sociology3
SOC 1320American Cultural Diversity3
SOC 2211World Religions: History, Belief, and Practice3
SOC 2300Social Problems3
Category II:
PSY 1010General Psychology3
PSY 1730Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 2150Lifespan Psychology3
PSY 2200Social Psychology3
PSY 2301Educational Psychology3

Additional courses may be taken from the Social Science area to fulfill the additional hours.

V.  Natural Science (Minimum 6 Semester Hours, One Lab course required)

Select two courses, with at least one course having a lab component:
BIO 1110Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIO 1120Anatomy and Physiology II4
BIO 1210Biology I4
BIO 1220Biology II4
BIO 1400Microbiology4
BIO 2121Introduction to Human Genetics4
BIO 1000Basic Human Structure and Function3
CHM 1110Introductory General Chemistry4
CHM 1120Introductory Organic and Biochemistry4
PHY 1120Physics I4
PHY 1130Physics II4

Additional courses may be taken from the Natural Science area to fulfill the additional hours.            


Courses in Areas III and IV must be from two different disciplines.