Responsibilities of Students

To maximize a transfer credit application, prospective transfer students must plan for their course of study to meet both the academic and non-academic requirements of the institution they wish to articulate or transfer credit as soon as possible. The student has a responsibility to investigate, collaborate with advisors, and utilize other available resources to develop a course of study plan. Students should actively seek program, degree, and transfer information; and must meet with an advisor from both the current and receiving institutions to assist in preparing a course of study that meets the academic requirements for the program/degree they plan to transfer. Students should use the various electronic course/program transfer and applicability database systems, including  Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee web resources. The students need to select courses/programs at their current institution that satisfy requirements at the receiving institution to maximize the application of transfer credit. Specifically, students should identify early in their collegiate studies an institution and major they desire to transfer. Furthermore, students should determine if there are special requirements (such as foreign language) or any special course requirements that can be met during the freshman or sophomore year. This will enable students to plan and pursue a course of study that will better articulate with the receiving institution's major.