OTA 2151 — Psychosocial Occupational Therapy
Relates occupational therapy treatment theories and intervention to psychosocial function. The diversity of the consumer will be explored, as will diagnoses, symptoms and behaviors, psychotropic medications, and specific needs for various populations. The history of occupational therapy in mental health, current treatment settings and issues, the role of the OTA, and ethical concerns will be discussed. Management, reimbursement and business aspects of practice, as well as emerging areas of practice will be studied and explored. The occupational therapy process and documentation specific to this area will be modeled and practiced. Also examined will be group process, group dynamics, group behaviors and the application of group work in the occupational therapy field. Occupational therapy treatment theories, models and frames of references will be used to establish group treatment plans. Therapeutic use of self in group leadership and understanding and facilitating group dynamics will be discussed, implemented and assessed. Students will integrate knowledge through formulating and implementing group treatment plans. Therapeutic use of self and professionalism will be fostered through reflection and assessment in final preparation for Level II Fieldwork. 'C' grade policy applies.
Prerequisites: OTA 2130, PSY 1730
Corequisites: OTA 2140, OTA 2161.