Education Concentration Development 3 BIO 1210 or BIO 1110...Business BUS 2100 Business Law (TAG) 3 Electronic...
...Child Development 3 BIO 1210 or BIO 1110...Business BUS 2100 Business Law (TAG) 3 Electronic...
...following: Communication, English, Pre-law, and others. To...Dying (OTM) 3 SOC 1210 Family Sociology (OTM...
...History, Political Science, Pre-law, and others. To...Dying (OTM) 3 SOC 1210 Family Sociology (OTM...
...General Psychology 3 SOC 1210 Family Sociology 3...Business BUS 2100 Business Law (TAG) 3 Electronic...
Explores the fundamental concepts of the American regulatory system, environmental law and the basics of environmental compliance. Through the use of the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations and independent research students will gain both general education and technical skills necessary to understand/interpret regulations, current events/issues and how they impact environmental compliance. Topics include an introduction to the law/legal system, the environmental laws (i.e. Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, RCRA, CERCLA/Superfund, SARA, TSCA) & international environmental law.
Corequisites: ENV 1000.
Studies the nature of the factors of crime, criminal behavior, and prevention. A primary emphasis will be placed on the psychological and sociological factors of the problem. Other aspects to be addressed are criminal topologies involving the street criminal in addition to the white-collar criminal and cyber criminals.
Transfer: TAG.
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