Academic Divisions

Eric Mason-Guffey, EdD
Vice President, Academic Affairs
Phone: (419) 995-8265
Office: 207 Keese Hall

Academic Vision

To kindle a passion for learning.

Academic Statement of Values

We uphold the following core values in all that we do.

Quality: Expectation of excellence in teaching and learning

Ethical Behavior: Internalized responsibility to act and model in a trustworthy and honorable manner

Competence: Performing to professional and instructional standards

Collegiality: Maintaining an open and supportive culture

Commitment: Meeting the needs of students, peers, and community in a consistent and dedicated manner

Academic Commitment to Assessment

Nanette Smith, EdD
Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness Planning
Phone: (419) 995-8016
Office: 109 Keese Hall

Rhodes State College is committed to graduating students who are skilled professionals and meaningful contributors to their communities. To fulfill this commitment, the College uses an assessment process which fosters professional and intellectual growth of its students by offering contemporary curricula and a supportive environment. With this in mind, Rhodes systematically assesses student learning outcomes in order to improve learning and instruction. Program assessment of learning assures students, employers, and the community that Rhodes State College graduates possess the skills needed to perform competently in the workplace. Assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) affirm that graduates possess the needed skills and abilities to act as life-long learners and quality contributors to their communities.

Assessment at Rhodes occurs at the course (SLOs), program (PLOs) and institutional levels (ILOs) of the College where the ability to affect growth is realized through a systematic cycle of assessment where collection, analysis and reflection of outcomes data is used to impact decision making and ensure continuous improvement of the teaching and learning process at the College. Rhodes has identified six (6) Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), which also serve as General Education Outcomes for academic programs.  Outlined below are the ILOs and graduate expectations for each.    

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

1. Civic, Professional, and Ethical Responsibility (CPER)

  • Demonstrate professional skills and participate in activities that are necessary for success in one’s career or academic discipline.
  • Recognize civic and ethical responsibilities associated with the rights and expectations as citizens in a democratic society.

2. Cultural and Diversity Awareness (CDA) 

  • Understand and integrate knowledge of cultural worldviews, reflect attitudes of openness and curiosity, and illustrate empathy and understanding of own and other cultures.
  • Exercise awareness of the interdependence of diversity factors (i.e. culture, history, sexual orientation, psychological functioning, education, economics, environment, language, politics, age, gender, physical challenges, class, religion, etc.).

3. Critical Thinking (CT) 

  • Demonstrate ability to interpret meaning in decision-making and apply information to engage in innovative problem-solving strategies.

4. Effective Communication (EC)

  • Apply knowledge of communication patterns and effectively interpret, use, and adapt various contexts or presentation methods to appropriate audiences.

5. Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning (QSR)

  • Understand and appropriately apply mathematics and scientific principles and methods.

6. Technological Proficiency (TP)

  • Demonstrate the ability to utilize knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate technology into one’s career or academic discipline.